A free church

with Christ at the centre

KIRCHE IM KINO perceives itself as a part of God’s global family, who lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. People of all generations and cultures are welcome and find their place there. Starting in Innsbruck, our church tries to fulfil its task of carrying the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the end of the world.

Varied programme

Faith varies and is lived out differently by each and everyone. We thus offer a varied programme as KIRCHE IM KINO. The aim is to give people a better understanding of God and enable them to grow spiritually.

One opportunity is our service on Sundays, which take place in Cineplexx Innsbruck.

Together on the move

It’s a matter close to our hearts to keep moving as a church and repeatedly focus on the question of how we can reach people in Innsbruck and further away with the Gospel. Ever since 2013 we’ve been finding ourselves on a journey towards our vision KIK 2022.

find out more

Social projects

We also invest time in a wide range of social projects as part of the initiative Innsbruck Stadt der Hoffnung which can be translated as Innsbruck City of Hope.
The vision of this organisation is to help shape society positively and thus turn Innsbruck into a city of hope. We want to serve our city, be socially involved and offer ethnical as well as spiritual orientation.

Officially recognised

KIRCHE IM KINO is a part of Bund Evangelikaler Gemeinden (BEG) ), the association of Evangelical church communities and also belongs to the denomination Freikirchen in Österreich (FKÖ), Free Churches in Austria.

Varied programme

Faith varies and is lived out differently by each and everyone. We thus offer a varied programme as KIRCHE IM KINO. The aim is to give people a better understanding of God and enable them to grow spiritually.

One opportunity is our service on Sundays, which take place in Cineplexx Innsbruck.

Together on the move

It’s a matter close to our hearts to keep moving as a church and repeatedly focus on the question of how we can reach people in Innsbruck and further away with the Gospel. Ever since 2013 we’ve been finding ourselves on a journey towards our vision KIK 2022.

find out more

Social projects

We also invest time in a wide range of social projects as part of the initiative Innsbruck Stadt der Hoffnung which can be translated as Innsbruck City of Hope.
The vision of this organisation is to help shape society positively and thus turn Innsbruck into a city of hope. We want to serve our city, be socially involved and offer ethnical as well as spiritual orientation.

Officially recognised

KIRCHE IM KINO is a part of Bund Evangelikaler Gemeinden (BEG) ), the association of Evangelical church communities and also belongs to the denomination Freikirchen in Österreich (FKÖ), Free Churches in Austria.

Andreas Eyl and Heiko Barthelmeß are pastors of KIRCHE IM KINO and work together with their wives Michaela and Saskia. If you have any further questions about KIRCHE IM KINO, you can turn to them, or to the members of our church leadership.

Josel Eisner

community leader

Robert Vieider

community leader

Roman Scamoni

community leader
+43 699 15015956

Jesus said:

Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation!

Markus 16,15